Minimally Invasive Dentistry, the dentistry of the 21st century

Preserving our teeth to the maximum through the prevention and use of less aggressive techniques and treatments This is what is known as Minimally Invasive Dentistry, a concept that, thanks to the scientific and technological advances applied to health, is changing little by little the concept of traditional treatments and methodologies. But what exactly is it? What is its application ?. Dr. Elena González Canal, of the Clínica González Llorián answers our doubts today.

Specialists in Restorative Dentistry, Prosthetics and Aesthetics, Dental Clinic González Llorián have been taking care of the oral health of all members of the family since 1981.

-Because it is a concept that increasingly you hear more talk, many people do not know what it really is … What is Minimally Invasive Dentistry?

-The Minimally Invasive Dentistry (OMI) always seeks to maintain as much dental structure as possible. For this it is necessary to apply a personalized dentistry, aimed at carrying out treatments with innovative techniques that are more respectful, comfortable and that allow a better and faster recovery of the patient. This applies to both conservative dentistry (such as fillings) and prosthetics.

Could you give me an example?

– Yes, of course, an example of this last would be the incrustations. Until now it was common to eliminate both healthy and affected structure, for different treatments in which they ended up placing crowns on small stumps that did not allow a second chance if these treatments failed. In the IMO crowns are in the background, introducing a new type of treatment: inlays.

Incrustations… what are they?

– These inlays are distinguished from crowns in several aspects. First, the materials to be used allow to protect the remaining tooth excellently, second, they are aesthetic, they can be simple fragments of only millimeters, and third and more important, if a failure occurs we still have the healthy tooth to re-treat it in the most of the cases.

The inlays absorb the forces so that the teeth that have been previously treated with endodontics or that have fissures can lengthen their useful life for many years. That is to say, previously evicted teeth have found a new opportunity thanks to IMO.

And facing professionals in the sector, what does the implementation of Minimally Invasive Dentistry entail?

For professionals it means a total change in the way of seeing dentistry. We must rely on adhesion as before, we relied on cements. The technical difficulty is greater, but the benefit for the patient is magnificent.

For example, one type of patient that can be greatly benefited is the bruxist, the one with various dental erosions and erosions. The incrustations allow us to add that structure that they have lost without needing to damage what they still maintain.

-This is therefore a philosophy that has come to stay and for which they bet in their clinic …

That’s right, IMO is the present and the future of dentistry, and an advance that is necessary for patients to know and value. As we can see in the images, a tooth endodontically and with up to 6 fissures can be maintained with a filling and its subsequent incrustation with a prognosis infinitely superior to that of a crown.

For all of this, from Clínica González Llorián we start from an approach based on Minimally Invasive Dentistry. A personalized dentistry, aimed at performing treatments with innovative techniques, which are more respectful and comfortable, and which also allow a better and faster recovery of the patient. Visit our website HERE