Convinient Mini Laminar Flow Clean Bench for your lab

Numerous procedures take place inside a laboratory. Some of them need a larger space and some of the need the appropriate one in order to accomplish quality work. Mini vertical laminar flow bench is a very small foot print type of unit that is very common and easy to locate in any laboratory. You should know that this laminar flow clean bench model provides product protection.

Working with clean benches requires knowing a thing or two about these devices, in order to use them correctly inside the laboratory. This way you are going to get the best out of it. In addition, you will avoid any problems or damages in your workflow. As you may know by now, clean bench provides with product protection since it ensures that the work in the bench is exposed only to HEPA-filtered air. We recommend you to not work with hazardous materials where clean, particle-free air quality is required inside the clean bench. You must always remember that these devices do not provide protection to personnel or to the ambient environment. Moreover, these clean benches are not designed to contain aerosols generated by the procedure; the user is exposed to these aerosols.

Laminar Flow Clean Bench

Laminar Flow Clean Bench is the containment unit you need to have in your laboratory in order to handle particle contamination. There is a definition you must keep in mind and that is that Laminar airflow is the air moving at the same speed and in the same direction, with no or minimal crossover of air streams (or “lamina”). Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Bench units’ goal is to prevent the contamination of semiconductor wafers, biological samples or any particle sensitive materials.

These clean benches provide and guarantee the cleanest (and most germ-free) area that will always be the upstream area closest to the filter face. That means that work will always be performed in that clean zone, as far as possible from obstructions that create turbulence. Maybe you are wondering why it is necessary to have these laminar flow clean benches and the answer is very simple. Most contamination-sensitive environments such as dust-free hoods require laminar flow because it predictably sweeps particles in a uniform direction, from the cleanest area under the hood (the filter face) to the exit area, which is generally the sash opening or vents along the back or bottom of the hood.

Mini laminar flow clean bench

A number of common situations may happen when using a laminar flow clean bench. One of them is the obstruction of the device. This causes interruptions in airflow, which allow particulates to enter the work area or clean room, sharply increasing particle counts inside the hood. There is another important factor to keep in mind and that is turbulence. In order to avoid that from happening or at least to minimize it, objects should be placed within the airflow such that the smallest cross-section is perpendicular to the airflow, with the air able to flow around as much of the object as possible. If the air path is long enough, the clean air will regain its uniform airflow subject to the size of the object.

Finally, you should know that careful positioning of items on the work surface can prevent turbulence and inflow contamination. When possible, setting objects on a raised platform will allow air to flow under the object and reduce downstream turbulence.

Konw more about our Mini Laminar Flow Clean Benchs. Visit our catalog HERE