Importance of the Biochemistry incubators

Biochemistry incubators have terrific features that guarantees the safety and quality of the cultures you want to maintain. They widely are used in the fields of pharmacy, chemical industry, environmental protection, public health, agriculture and many more; they are special equipment to cultivate organisms for scientific research and examining, especially the chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. Incubators are very common in the research and the industry field and they have a wide variety of applications with living organisms.

Since cell cultures and microorganisms need to be incubated in a controlled atmosphere, you must have the right incubator type in order to achieve reliable and satisfying results. Incubators have a number of applications in the medical and biology fields. First, you use them for growing cell cultures, reproduce germ colonies with subsequent germ count in the food industry. There is also the Reproduction of germ colonies and subsequent determination of biochemical oxygen demand (wastewater monitoring). In the microbiology field, incubators are useful for the reproduction of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeast or viruses. Finally, in the zoology field incubators are good for breeding of insects and hatching of eggs in zoology.

Incubator uses in laboratory

In order to maintain the progressive development of microbiological cultures, incubators regulate viable growth factors such as temperature, humidity and ventilation. That is why in the biology field, incubators are involved in a number of applications such as cell and tissue culture, pharmaceutical studies, hematological studies, biochemical studies, food processing, cell aeration, plant and animal studies, solubility studies, fermentation studies and bacterial culturing. The extraction of tissue fragments from animals and plants is a very common use (i.e., isolated cells from a piece of tissue) in a controlled environment and subsequently analyzing their growth. Study of these explants enables clinicians and scientists to understand the function of specific disease-causing cells such as cancer cells and help them in developing vaccines for diseases such as polio, mumps and measles.

As you may know, for years the controlled stable environment of an incubator was used for hatching poultry eggs and taking care of premature or sick babies. Nowadays, incubators have more elaborative use and their market is thriving as a result. Scientists use incubators for medical treatments, stem cell research and experimental procedures like incubating antibodies on tissues and cells for fluorescence microscopy. You should also know that other incubator uses are the diagnosis of the disease that causes pathogens in the human body. By using incubators, the air around the cell culture can be regulated, which facilitates the multiplication of the disease-causing microorganisms, thus the probability of identifying a pathogen is increased.

Working with an incubator requires the highest hygiene level, becoming the top priority in laboratory incubators, because germs may end up getting in the sample through an air movement in the chamber or impurities on the chamber surfaces. There are other aspects you should keep in mind if you are going to work with incubators. Those are the temperature stability and temperature homogeneity: Living organisms react extremely sensitively to fluctuations in temperature. In order to guarantee reproducible test results, temperature stability and temperature homogeneity are important quality criteria for an incubator. Finally, the nutritional media on which the cultures are grown must not under any circumstances dry out. Otherwise, there is a risk that the test results will be corrupted or the cultures will completely die out. Appliances with natural convection are therefore optimal, since the drying out process is not accelerated, in contrast to appliances with forced air circulation.

Know more of our Biochemistry incubators. Visit our catalog HERE