Applications of the Colorimeter in the diagnosis of genitourinary diseases in animals

The colorimeter is a valuable tool for the diagnosis of genitourinary diseases in animals. Its use allows detection of disease at an early stage, before symptoms occur, and can be useful for monitoring treatment. The colorimeter can be used to measure urine pH, nitrite concentration, the presence of leukocytes and/or erythrocytes, as well as the amount of protein.

Therefore, it is used to measure the concentration of a chemical substance in a sample. It is based on the fact that when a substance is added to a water sample, the water turns a certain color, and from that, it calculates the concentration of the substance.

Determination of genitourinary diseases

These measurements are important for the diagnosis and treatment of genitourinary diseases such as cystitis, urolithiasis and nephritis .Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Symptoms of cystitis include pain and/or burning during urination, frequent and/or urgent urination, and blood in the urine. The colorimeter can detect nitrites in the urine, which usually indicate the presence of bacteria. In addition, increased protein concentration in the urine may indicate a kidney infection, which is a complication of cystitis. Urolithiasis is the presence of kidney or bladder stones. Symptoms of urolithiasis include pain and/or burning with urination, frequent and/or urgent urination, and blood in the urine. The stones may be calcium, urate, oxalate or calcium.

The equipment is capable of detecting nitrites in the urine, which usually indicate the presence of bacteria. In addition, increased protein concentration in the urine may indicate a kidney infection, which is a complication of nephritis.

This can be done manually or automatically and these abnormalities may indicate the presence of genitourinary diseases.

Colorimeter Mechanisms

The colorimeter we have at Kalstein measures color using a scale calledthe color index (CI). The CI is based on the color intensity of the light. Most use abright tungstenmetal halide (HMS)lampthat emits a large amount of ultraviolet (UV) light. The light is measured in nanometers (nm). The colorimeter measures light in the visible spectrum, which is the light that the human eye can see. The visible spectrum is light that has a wavelength of 400 nm to 700 nm. Visible light is the light that is seen as color. The colorimeter measures the light in the visible spectrum and then calculates the color IQ.

It has a lamp, a chamber and a spectrophotometer. The lamp produces a white light, which is a mixture of all colors and is sent to the chamber through the substance. Next, the chamber is a tube that has a lens at one end and a light detector at the other end and focuses the light on the light detector.

Kalstein colorimeter

We at Kalstein offer you the best equipment ideal for any laboratory. We have at your disposal the Colorimeter belonging to YR series, which has a self-contained core technology development of a portable light color difference instrument, it is the high-level spectral architecture color difference instrument, in addition to ensure accurate relative Δ E at the same time, also to ensure the accuracy of the absolute value of L, A and B for a long time, anytime, anywhere.

And many other attractive features, which can be seen from our catalog HERE In Kalstein, as manufacturers, we distinguish ourselves in the market by providing solutions for any industrial sector, and for this we offer the best advice to make your purchase the ideal and favorable prices. For more information, visit our website HERE