An antibiotic is made up of molecules, which are responsible for killing certain bacterium present in the body, however, when someone consumes this type of drugs, not only manages to kill the bacterium that produce discomfort in the body, but affect those healthy cells, allowing the body to become more vulnerable during those days, in response to the elimination of other types of non-threatening bacteria, this makes them strong as they progressively evolve. In many cases the unknown bacterium to science and medicine are created, which cannot be combated with traditional antibiotics, because they will be completely immune to the effect this may cause.
The World Health Organization, has expressed in recent days its concern about the fact, announcing that the last 10 years has grown considerably the use of antibiotics throughout the world, regardless of different social classes. This causes the alarms of the scientific community to be lit, because it would mean a rise in the discovery of new threats to the health of humanity. Through press releases, both organizations urge doctors to be vigilant of the proper use of this type of medication, as well as the search for new social mechanisms that can regulate self-medication.
In countries with a higher poverty rate, the demand increases as a direct consequence of the difficult access to an optimal quality of life under the parameters of necessary hygiene, this makes the contagion of some diseases more widespread and may even evolve its effects, putting into controversy the massive use of antibiotics that if not adequately supplied, it will soon cause public health problems, in these countries there is greater use of new generation antibiotics (Stronger than the rest). While in nations with greater purchasing power there is still a large increase in its use but referring to those that have traditionally been used in recent years and that do not involve greater chemical compositions. Visit our website HERE