
What tests are performed on an electrolyte analyser?

It is valuable to study in patients, electrolyte levels, since they are responsible for measuring the amount of minerals, with electrical charge that provide information, about the increase or decrease of liquid and acid base balance in the body, in addition to transport nutrients to their cells, eliminate waste from said cells and function to their nerves, muscles, heart and brain in the proper way. 

Therefore, through electrolyte analyzers, special tests are performed in blood, urine, tissues and other body fluids, able to determine the amount of sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate, in patients.

In addition, the health professional, is in charge of managing the studies that patients require, and in this case, the blood tests and the implementation of the analyzers, supervise the volumes of the anion gap, which can have positive as well as negative electrical charge.

Performance of Electrolyte Analyzers

Using the electrolyte analyzers, the ionogram study is applied, in charge of the serum analysis, being a blood test, to calculate the volumes of sodium, able to control the entry of fluid in the body, also helps the nerves and muscles work well.

In that same order, there is chloride, which maintains a volume of blood and healthy blood pressure. Potassium is also found, which allows the heart and muscles to function properly, and bicarbonate, which is responsible for maintaining the balance of the circulation of carbon dioxide through the bloodstream.

It should be noted that the medical professional, is in charge of indicating the performance of the studies, to measure the values of electrolytes, in patients who present symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, confusion, weakness and irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). In this sense, electrolyte analyzers play an important role in the analysis of the physiological states of patients, and is a fundamental tool for the prevention of diseases. 

Benefits of Electrolyte Analyzers 

Thanks to electrolyte analyzers, the causes for which patients present difficulties within their body are made known, such as:

  • Dehydration.
  • Disease of the kidneys.
  • Disease of the heart.
  • Diabetes.
  • Acidosis: Excess acid in the blood. It can cause nausea, vomiting and tiredness.
  • Alkalosis: Excess bases (alkalinity) in the blood. Causing irritability, muscle contractions and tingling in the fingers and toes.

Therefore, it shows that the specific results depend on the affected electrolyte and whether the levels are too low or high. In this sense, if the electrolyte levels do not correspond to normal values, it does not necessarily mean that the patient has a medical problem that requires treatment, since many factors can affect electrolyte increases or decreases, such as drinking too much fluid or losing too much fluid from vomiting or diarrhea. In addition, some medicines, such as antacids and blood pressure medicines, can cause abnormal results.

Electrolyte Analysers Kalstein brand

At Kalstein, we are trained to enforce all the demands of our customers. In this case, we offer you electrolyte analyzers, charged with measuring electrolyte levels and carbon dioxide in patients’ blood. Because, they are minerals, which are found in the body, which keep the body’s fluids in balance and help maintain normal functions including heart rate, muscle contraction and brain function. So our YR model equipment, with general and very attractive features, such as, Simple yes/NO operation, high precision electrode and TCO and long service life, suspension mode to reduce reagent consumption, fast test speed of 80 tests per hour, minimum sample volume is 60ul, individual reagent to avoid waste. It allows to study, by serum samples, plasma, whole blood, cerebrospinal fluid and diluted urine. We are manufacturers and we have the best advice, so that your purchase is the ideal and at excellent prices. Enjoy our catalog from HERE For more information, visit our page at HERE