What is the function of the refrigerated centrifuges?

Refrigerated laboratory centrifuges are equipment used to achieve the sedimentation of the components in a homogeneous solution in their different densities at a predetermined temperature. For this, they have a special design that subjects the solutions to centrifugal rotation and acceleration at a high speed for a certain time, movements with which the solution is separated into two fractions, all this process occurring at an appropriate temperature, since said centrifuges They have a temperature control at which the sedimentation process takes place.

What considerations should you take into account?

To use a refrigerated centrifuge, it is necessary to follow a series of steps that allow its safe operation. Although equipment of this type generally operates in the same way, it is advisable to consult the user manual provided by the supplier even if you have experience in the use of centrifuges. The first thing to do is turn on the switch actuator and open the lid with the corresponding button, which has a light indicator, which comes on when the centrifuge is properly closed.

After placing the necessary adapters in the laboratory equipment, the tubes are placed, preferably in a balanced and symmetrical way, and the lid is closed. Later the speed is adjusted using the configuration buttons, according to the preferences, and the time is selected. It is also necessary to select the acceleration and brake speed and then adjust the temperature.

It is recommended to check that the settings are correct before operating the centrifuge and verify that there is no excessive vibration. This problem is solved by balancing the tubes and placing them symmetrically.

Some recommendations for use of the centrifuges:

– Keep the centrifuge clean of sample debris, glass, or dust.

– When spinning keep the lid closed. If something breaks, immediately turn off the equipment and do not open it until it stops or the lid open indicator indicates it.

– Replace metal containers that are deformed as they produce uneven pressure on the sample tube.

– Do not use cracked or grated glass equipment, because centrifugal pressure can rupture at these points, pulverizing the glass and contaminating other samples.

– Replace the sample holder buffer caps.

– When a glass tube deteriorates and / or breaks, clean the remains (macrocentrifuge).

– Check that the surface where you have the equipment is perfectly level, as otherwise it will cause vibrations.

How to check the proper functioning of the refrigerated centrifuges?

– Load the centrifuge properly and close it.

– Make sure the centrifuge is tightly closed.

– Activate the power switch, previously setting the centrifugation temperature, speed and time (if the equipment has these controls).

– Observe the operation carefully; If there is no problem, continue with your work. If there are vibration problems, balance the specimen holders correctly. If the equipment does not work, check the electrical connection cables or fuses cannot be placed as opposing pairs.

At Kalstein we stock a wide variety of the highest quality laboratory centrifuges. To learn about the different types of centrifuges we offer, we invite you to take a look at HERE