
What is a food freeze dryer?

Freeze-drying is a food preservation technique based on the drying of certain compounds by sublimation of the water they contain.

A freeze-dryer is the device used for freeze-drying. It consists of the following components: dry chamber or freeze-drying chamber: this is where the substance to be freeze-dried is placed; condenser with cooling circuit: this communicates with the dry chamber and is where the steam produced during sublimation is condensed; and, finally, a vacuum system.

This technique does not alter the product’s physico-chemical structure, and its low moisture content means that it can be preserved without a cold chain, giving it high microbiological stability.

Freeze-drying extracts 95% of the water contained in a foodstuff, which translates into a major advantage in terms of transport costs, since it enables larger quantities of goods to be loaded without the need for a cold chain. At the end of the freeze-drying process, the food is transformed into a rigid structure that retains its shape and volume, but with reduced weight, while maintaining its nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. Once rehydrated, they regain their original texture, aroma and flavor.

How a food freeze-dryer works

To introduce a material into the freeze-dryer, it must first be frozen, to preserve its molecular structure. To do this, a freezer capable of reaching sub-zero temperatures is used. The frozen material is then introduced into the freeze-dryer, where a vacuum pressure is created by a vacuum pump. The vacuum sublimates 95% of the water present in the sample. The product is thus dried without the need for temperatures above ambient.

The heat contained in the freeze-dryer provides the energy needed to transform the water into a gas, speeding up the process. The remaining gas is condensed at low temperature, returning it to a solid state.

Freeze-drying process

There are four main stages in freeze-drying foods:

  • Préparation.
  • Congélation.
  • Séchage primaire.
  • Séchage secondaire.

Advantages of freeze-drying over other techniques :

  • This results in products that regenerate very quickly.
  • The shape and characteristics of the final product are essentially the same as those of the original.
  • This process is ideal for drying thermolabile substances.
  • Oxidizable constituents are protected.
  • The final moisture content is very low.

At Kalstein, we are MANUFACTURERS and we offer you an innovative freeze-dryer at the best prices on the market. We invite you to consult our product catalog: HERE