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What are the contraindications of the Radiant Heater for him Baby? - Kalstein EU

What are the contraindications of the Radiant Heater for him Baby?

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Radiant heaters have been used for many years to help babies stay warm when they’re inside. These devices work by producing an infrared light that heats the air around the baby. So this means that the baby receives heat directly from the heat source, rather than indirectly from the environment.

These heaters are generally considered safe for infants, but there are some important contraindications that should be considered before using them.

Some of the disadvantages that are generated by the use of the radiant heater for babies

First, radiant heaters should be used only with the care of a nearby adult, never leave the heater on unattended; it means the adult should be next to the baby to supervise the use of the radiant heater.

This also means that if the adult leaves the area where the heater is, the heater must be disconnected, this safety rule must be followed to prevent injury or even death in infants.

At the same time, other disadvantages are mentioned when using the radiant baby warmer

It is important to know that when using a radiant warmer for babies should never be taken from the area directly near the baby, this includes the use of a portable heater, such heaters emit a lot of heat and can cause burns in babies if the unit is too close to them.

Therefore, it is important that the heater is placed at a safe distance from the baby; ideally, the heater is placed about two meters away to avoid any harm to the baby.

Recommendations for preparing the baby before using the radiant heater:

The mother or caregiver should know that too thick layers of clothing or blankets cannot be used when the baby is under the heater, this is because these extra layers can promote overexposure of heat for the baby, which can lead to dehydration and eventually coma.

Therefore, it is important that the baby wear dress properly for each temperature before being placed under the heater, you should also remember to avoid overheating the baby, this is a common mistake made by many adults when using a heater.

Precautions to be taken when using a radiant heater

The carpet of the heater should not be put at too high a temperature, this is because too high heating can cause excessive sweating and dehydration in the baby, which can be dangerous.

Thus, radiant warmers are a safe device for infants, but they should be used with caution and under the supervision of a nearby adult.

It is important to follow all contraindications to ensure that the baby receives the necessary heat without overheating; if the heater is used properly, it can help keep the baby warm and comfortable without health risks.

For our company Kalstein it is important that you get the right radiant warmer for babies

You can visit our website HERE to enjoy great offers and prices without competition, as we are MANUFACTURERS and we can guarantee your effective purchase. To obtain sophisticated and top quality equipment with regard to radiant heaters just click the following link HERE