Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), also known as “acute demyelinating polyradiculoneuritis,” is an autoimmune neurological condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the nervous system itself, resulting in a severe disease with complete paralysis and no cure. Most patients with GBS receive medical treatment to help reduce symptoms, however, there is a specific laboratory test used to help physicians diagnose GBS.
Currently, the most common treatment for Guillain-Barré syndrome is intravenous immunoglobulin, which is obtained from human donor plasma. This injection is given to help reduce the damage caused by the autoimmune reaction to the nerves. The process of collecting blood serum from human donors is faster, cheaper and easier to manage than collecting blood from human donors. By producing drugs from a synthetic solution with centrifugation, the chances of contamination are decreased and the chances of receiving enough immunoglobulin in a shorter period of time are improved.
And Kalstein has the right centrifuge with microcomputer control, brushless DC motor, stable operation, low noise and high speed precision. LED or LCD display. User-friendly interface, simple and convenient operations.
Centrifugation Principle
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disease affecting the peripheral nervous system characterized by progressive muscle weakness. This disease occurs due to an autoimmune reaction in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s own nerves. This can affect patients’ ability to walk, talk, move and breathe. The exact cause of this syndrome is not yet known, but it is thought to be linked to viral infections.
A recent success in reducing the adverse effects of this syndrome has been the use of centrifugation for the production of synthetic immunoglobulin in large quantities. This immunoglobulin production technique is used to separate and purify blood serum components using centrifugation.
The Centrifuge as a Viable Alternative
The use of centrifugation to create synthetic drugs has proven to be a viable alternative for the treatment of Guillain Barré syndrome. This process is faster, safer and cheaper than collecting blood serum from human donors. The drug has shown promising results in reducing the adverse effects of the disease and increasing patient recovery. This technology is a promising alternative for the treatment of the syndrome.
Researchers are still working to perfect this unique solution, as well as the necessary centrifugation equipment. However, with increasing research, advances in using the centrifuge to create a drug are expected to be significant in the near future. This technology will enable medical personnel to provide effective treatment for nervous system disorders such as Guillain Barré Syndrome.
Kalstein centrifuges
It is important to have equipment suitable for laboratories and the YR series centrifuge has attractive features such as: self-locking device, lid safety device, overspeed safety device and automatic alarm device, etc. Comfortable Silastic sealing ring according to GMP. To learn more about our equipment, we invite you to take a look at our catalog HERE. We are manufacturers and we have the best advice, so that your purchase is ideal and at excellent prices. For more information, visit our website HERE