Ultra Low Freezer and Energy Saving

lab freezer are indispensable pieces of laboratory equipment. There is a wide range of freezers available in the market, depending on the lab requirements. However, freezers are major power consumers in a lab. It is essential to minimize energy consumption and operating costs. There are some easy tips to save energy and lower operating costs through an efficient and optimal use of freezers.

1. Keep your freezer organised. It is essential to have an adequate organization inside the freezer. There are racking options, secondary storage containment and even radio frequency identification tools. In this way, any time you open the freezer will last seconds. Keep an updated inventory in Excel or any of the software available for this purpose. Remember that when you open the door, the freezer takes around 10 minutes to recover the setting temperature. Besides, it is important to keep the freezer as filled as possible because it is easier to lose cold air rapidly due to the empty spaces. There are many domestic options which are helpful, such as keep bottles or bags with ice or gel packs.

2. Choose the right size of a freezer for your lab requirements. Small freezers are deceitful because of the use higher energy consumption per cubic foot and the smaller compressor motors. Bear in mind the size of your samples you work with to search for the perfect freezer for your laboratory. Another alternative is using large freezers and sharing freezer storage with a colleague or another group institute.

3. Keep your freezers updated. Thanks to technology, freezers are more efficient in terms of compressor design, insulation and cabinet design. Remember that freezer efficiency decreases without the adequate maintenance, coolant loss, and mechanical failure, among others. A freezer without the adequate maintenance can consume even four times more than a well- maintained freezer. A regular maintenance is advisable to avoid expensive replacement in the future. It can reduce energy consumption by 12% and 25%.

4. Regular defrosting. Energy consumption is reduced with regular defrosting, at the same time it extends the useful life of your freezer. A layer of ice can increase your energy consumption to more than 10%. On the other hand, the life of your compressor is reduced and even the seals can be affected.

5. Check filters regularly. It is advisable to check filters at least once a month. They should be free from dust. Filters are important provide an adequate airflow and inhibits warm air from the freezer interior.

6. Use the adequate temperature storing. Using the adequate temperature for your sample can reduce energy consumption. On occasions, the adequate temperature can be lower than the one you are using. Changing the temperature 10 degrees may help you to reduce consumption by up to 40%. Some bacteria, molecular samples, fungi and yeast do not necessarily need to be stored at -70°C.

Final considerations for caring and using freezers

1. Defrost and clean your freezer periodically, using face protection and heavy duty rubber gloves.

2. Disinfect the inner surface.

3. Keep an inventory of the freezer’s content.

4. Do not keep flammable solutions in a freezer.

Kalstein Freezers 

Secure the samples you need to store in ultra-low temperature freezers. Kalstein products offer the perfect combination of trust, cost-effective performance and most important: quality. You will find a wide variety of freezers with an ISO 9001 certificate, ISO 14001 certificate, and ISO 13485. Visit our catalog HERE

ULF -10 to -40 °C HERE

ULF -10 to -86 °C HERE

ULF -110 to -150 °C HERE