
The Threat Of These Times: Bacterial Resistance (Br)

It refers to the resistance of these microorganisms to an antimicrobial to which they were originally vulnerable, which has as a main consequence that many treatments are ineffective when administered to patients. It can be said that this phenomenon is today one of the greatest threats to global health, food security and the development of society.

How do resistant bacteria appear?

There are three fundamental processes by which this type of bacteria appear: the first has to do with the acquisition and accumulation of mutations in bacterial populations; those with the best capacity to survive are selected by the environment that surrounds them. The second mechanism is the horizontal transfer of genes: this is given thanks to mobile genetic portions called plasmids which can move between genera and bacterial species. Finally, there is the natural resistance of certain bacterial                                                                    species to some antibiotics.

Current data

The first data published by the World Health Organization (WHO) on surveillance of antibiotic resistance indicate that levels of resistance to some serious bacterial infections are high in both high-income and low-income countries. The WHO is alert if urgent measurements are not taken, the world is on the verge of facing an age post-antibiotics in that many common infections and minor injuries will return to be potentially mortal.

The most frequent isolated resistant bacteria are: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, followed by Salmonella spp.

What is the impact of the BR?

Given the ease and frequency with which people now move, the BR is a problem of global dimensions, which requires efforts on the part of all nations and diverse sectors.

The BR is putting the achievements of modern medicine at risk. If we do not have effective antibiotics to prevent and treat infections, organ transplants, chemotherapy and surgical interventions will become increasingly dangerous.

How do we get to this point of the RB?

The history of antibiotic resistance is linked to the history of humanity and nature; the mechanisms of bacterial resistance are excellent evidence of how the evolution of the species works and constant proof of our participation in the process. The first detected bacterial resistance appeared shortly after beginning the massive distribution of penicillin, the first great antibiotic discovered 90 years ago by Alexander Fleming in 1928 with which the era of antibiotics begins. But its indiscriminate use caused that by 1950 its effectiveness decreased so new antibiotics such as methicillin were developed.In 1962 the first case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was detected in the United Kingdom, this bacterium is also known: MRSA.

What awaits us?

Due to the absence of new classes of antibiotics, in addition to preventive measures, there is a line of research that tries to deal with resistant germs using innovative therapies such as the use of ‘bacteriophages’, viral particles that destroy bacteria. Recently, its effectiveness was demonstrated because they were used as a last resort to treat a patient in the United States who recovered after receiving it. These types of therapies still need more scientific support.

Finally we can conclude by saying that the BR is a complex problem that affects the whole society so all countries should have national action plans against the BR. More investments and innovations are needed in the research and development of new antimicrobials, vaccines, diagnostic tests and laboratory equipment that facilitate the identification of resistant bacteria.

With this in mind at Kalstein, we have designed high-quality incubators indispensable for the cultivation of bacteria in the Laboratory. We have incubators that maintain the correct temperature, perfect humidity and other factors that allow the proper bacterial development.

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