
The genetic Test that will help in assisted Fertilization

Assisted fertilization consists of the process by which the ovaries are extracted to be stimulated in their ovulation process and thus to stimulate the entry of the spermatozoon that guarantees fertilization (pregnancy). This process is commonly performed by couples with difficulty conceiving of children, or in some animals in order to guarantee their reproductive process, within established periods. Even if the effectiveness of these treatments is mostly positive, in some cases their effectiveness is deficient.

In the case of the failed cases of pregnancy through assisted fertilization, in Argentina, a new genetic test called ERA (endometrial receptivity analysis) was created, which is responsible for obtaining through the implantation window, within the 236 genes present in the endometrium.

By having precision on the endometrial implantation window, you can give an accuracy of how and when you are ready to receive the previously manipulated embryos. Its creators say that if the test is used, there is an 85% chance of successfully completing prenatal treatment that helps immediate fertility.

As the Study is formed by a biopsy, generates doubts and concerns in the patients practised, because it was also allowed to know the levels of fertility present, and whether extinct, facilitating non-intervention in cases where there is no possibility of Playback.

Genetics will be the determinant factor in the outcome of the test, and it depends on the corresponding doctor, Consult with the patient so that together they can decide, whether it is favourable or not, to try Fertility treatment. It was also proposed as a solution for discarding animals within the herds, used for commercial purposes and human consumption, as is the case with cows. visit our website HERE