How to design a functional laboratory with laboratory furniture?

A good, well-designed laboratory is essential to optimize productivity and achieve optimal results; laboratory furniture is necessary for a successful operation and is highly dependent on the type of study being performed. 

Modern laboratory equipment often accumulates many different elements over the lifetime of a scientific project, when designing a functional laboratory with laboratory furniture, it is necessary to consider safety, ergonomics, storage, functionality, width and length of spaces. 

Features and equipment that a laboratory should have to make the space ergonomic and easily accessible

The design of the spaces, as well as the storage of laboratory equipment and supplies, should be easily accessible to optimize efficiency; a good laboratory should have in its design easy access for laboratory carts and chairs and other furniture items. 

When thinking about a suitable laboratory facility, design managers should consider its ergonomics as well as storage space for equipment and supplies; laboratory carts serve as an economical and practical solution for storing large equipment on wheels. 

Researchers will benefit from conducting practice in a well-equipped laboratory:

Likewise, these easily mobile carts are controllable and will allow scientists to move tools, equipment and lab items around easily, as well as store bulky equipment that would be difficult to place on shelves.

Another important consideration to keep in mind when designing and equipping a laboratory concerns appropriate laboratory utensils and chairs, laboratory tables provide a safe workspace with a raised side to ensure the safety of laboratory employees. 

Specialists should choose two or more tables together to allow for shared use in laboratories

Therefore; such specialists should consider appropriate seating to improve comfort and productivity, appropriate seating for a laboratory should fit the height of the operator and be with an armrest. 

They should be comfortable, adjustable and have abrasion, oil and fire resistant features to ensure a safe environment, shelves are also an essential element in laboratory furniture, they should have special rails to support standard laboratory furniture such as laboratory flasks, plastic stoppers, test tubes, light bulbs, among others. 

When designing a laboratory, it should be equipped with a variety of warning devices and signs to improve safety in the workplace

On the other hand; shelves should also be of adequate width to provide safe and easy access for testing, safety of laboratory employees should also be considered when designing a laboratory. 

Safety devices and anti-slip surfaces should be installed on floors and aisles; a well-designed functional laboratory with laboratory furniture is of great importance to ensure productivity and optimal results. 

What are the specifications and equipment that a laboratory must possess in order to be highly functional

In short; to design a functional laboratory, safety, ergonomics, storage, functionality and the width and length of the spaces must be taken into consideration. 

Some of the lab equipment and furniture needed for an effective design are lab carts, lab tables, appropriate seating, shelves with a variety of width and warning signs to enhance workplace safety.

What types of furniture are available from Kalstein

For more information about them go to our link HERE there you will find various models in current trends of such furniture so that you can purchase them at the time you want depending on your needs. 

Visit our web page HERE and enjoy great offers, prices without competition, since we are MANUFACTURERS we can guarantee your effective purchase.