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How Many Types Of Climate Cameras Are There? - Kalstein EU

How Many Types Of Climate Cameras Are There?

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The climatic chamber is a unit capable of constructing stable situations of temperature and relative humidity, to provide controlled climatic states, in order to have a reliable measurement model in the measuring instrument. It is built around a hermetic structure, capable of providing pressures between inside and outside, its main components being an access door, means for humidifying and conditioning the air inside the chamber, sensors and temperature controllers. 

In the commercial line, they are considered standard equipment for assessing and measuring the preservation of samples, most of which are used to store pharmaceutical, veterinary, agri-food, biotechnological, biological, chemical, materials and other products, under constant conditions of controlled temperature and humidity.

Camera types

Sometimes, climate chambers can be adjusted with various systems, such as photoperiod, for studies of plants, vegetables, insects, etc., or photostability for pharmaceutical or cosmetic studies. However, taking the pharmaceutical sector as an example, where time studies are very rigorous, climatic chambers are capable of storing products for 12 months in conditions of 25°C +/- 2°C temperature and 60% +/- 5% relative humidity.
Different types of camera are also available, including : 

  • Constant climate chambers: are used for climatic evaluation, where humidity conditions are precisely regulated at a constant level. In the pharmaceutical industry, climatic zone tests include long-term tests lasting more than 12 months, and accelerated tests lasting more than 6 months. All these tests are used for the authorization and ongoing review of drugs and their principles.
  • Variable climate chambers: develop under homogeneous conditions, available to high climatic changes, to satisfy demanding material tests. Determines the lower and upper temperature limit of component failure, the climatic range of operation, conditions of transport, storage and use based on provisions and hidden design flaws. Tests include extreme and rapid temperature and humidity changes to cause accelerated aging to destruction.

Validation of climatic chambers

Climatic chambers are used to maintain specific quality standards, and are indispensable for verifying the behavior of materials in many sectors. They provide a precise basis for the effectiveness of prototypes, under stipulated temperature, humidity and light conditions, which are necessary for the authorization of new products. For camera validation, the following criteria must be taken into account: 

  • Accurate temperature measurement: Conditions can only be correctly assessed under constant temperature conditions over a long period.
  • Light recording and even distribution: for photostability tests, the chamber must be evenly illuminated with a balanced proportion of UVA radiation and natural light.
  • Active humidification and dehumidification: for greater flexibility, with or without direct connection to water intakes. In addition, a fast reaction time is important for steam humidification.
  • Administration: must have standard human sizes, for better sample handling.
  • Accurate calculation and recording: provides reliable results that can be easily analyzed.

Climate chambers in Kalstein

At Kalstein, we are trained to offer you the best medical equipment, capable of meeting all our customers’ requirements. We offer you the very best technology, as in the case of the YR model constant climate chamber, which provides all the advantages for drug preservation. For this reason, our medical team boasts attractive features such as: LCD display with integrated dot matrix, subtitles in Chinese and English, designed for maximum operational comfort. Programmable control of multiple sections, to suit customer needs, temperature and humidity control for up to 30 sets. Time parameters: 0-99h, 0-9999m, programs can run automatically in cycles.
Set operations with audible warnings Operation by remote control, with programmable software (optional). Bacteria-free culture with UV disinfection (know the mold incubator).
We are manufacturers and we have the best advice to make your purchase ideal and at the best price. Visit our catalog: HERE