
Horizontal laminar flow hoods and assisted reproduction

At the professional level, in various laboratory work, both scientific and in clinics, it is vital that samples are not contaminated with microorganisms that may be in the work environment. Horizontal laminar flow lamps are especially necessary in assisted reproduction laboratories.

Laminar flow is an air flow with constant and uniform speed and direction, thanks to this it is possible to avoid air turbulence, thus reducing the risk of contamination of samples. This type of flow is used in laminar flow hoods, equipment characterized by filtering through HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters the air entering the hood, and generating a horizontal unidirectional flow that sweeps away any unwanted particles.

Operation of laminar flow hoods

The base of horizontal laminar flow hoods is the use of a unidirectional airflow at constant speed and direction, being the air that passes through the hood, filtered by high efficiency air filters such as HEPA, which have a blocking or filtering capacity of microorganisms greater or equal to 0.3 nm, of 99.97%. The air thus travels uniformly through the work area and sweeps the particles present in the hood.

However, it must be taken into account that, despite the potential for removing microorganisms and particles from laminar flow hoods, it is necessary to avoid using them when working with pathogenic microorganisms or viruses, since during the passage of air flow can form aerosols that would harm the worker.

Basis of assisted reproduction

Assisted reproduction is a method currently used to treat infertility. This technology involves removing eggs and sperm, then mixing them together to form an embryo. Subsequently, the embryos are passed to the woman’s body to generate the pregnancy. One of the most common assisted reproductive technologies is in vitro fertilization.

Assisted reproductive technology is applied taking into account a series of protocols and strict safety standards in order not to contaminate gametes as well as embryos. This is why it is necessary to use equipment to keep the work space clean, such as horizontal laminar flow hoods.

Relationship between laminar flow hoods and assisted reproduction

In order to perform the assisted reproduction technique, it is necessary to have at your disposal the best laboratory equipment, so that the procedure is not contaminated or any error occurs. For this reason, it is essential to have a horizontal laminar flow hood, since it allows to control the air in the space where one works, for example, the operating room where the eggs are being retrieved, and then perform insemination. Gametes are very delicate and the egg, in any change of temperature or presence of any foreign agent, will lose its quality and therefore the embryonic quality will be low.

During the handling of gametes, environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, pH or the presence of microorganisms, must be controlled, if not, the extracted gametes are likely to deteriorate and the chances of pregnancy decrease. To control these factors is that horizontal laminar flow hoods are used, so any kind of cross contamination or damage is avoided.

Kalstein brand horizontal laminar flow hoods

At Kalstein we have at your disposal a wide range of medical and laboratory equipment, where, of course, laminar flow hoods cannot be lacking. We are the MANUFACTURERS of all the equipment we have in our catalog, so we assure you that when you make your PURCHASE, you will get high quality equipment, at the best PRICES. We have both vertical and horizontal laminar flow hoods, the latter ideal for assisted reproduction techniques. Our horizontal laminar flow hood without base, is characterized by being closed by the sides and keep under constant positive pressure to avoid infiltration of contaminated ambient air, in addition, it has the following accessories:

  • Waterproof plug for LCD screen.
  • Airflow speed, UV timer, UV working time, 2 waterproof outlets located on the side.
  • Gas tap for UV lamp.
  • 253.7 nanometer emission for most.
  • Side glass window.

If you would like to consult our catalog of laminar flow hoods, please visit the following link HERE. For more information about our products visit HERE