
Hematology Reagent-Based Diagnosis

Hematology is an area of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of blood-related disorders; hemoglobin, red and white blood cells, and platelets are the most commonly used “reactants” to assess the status of the blood. These reactants are important in indicating conditions such as anemia, infection and cancer; hematology reactant-based diagnosis is a useful tool for physicians to obtain an overall picture of a patient’s health. 

Laboratory diagnostic methods are necessary to diagnose and treat anything from viral infection to serious chronic diseases

Hematology reactants are widely used to detect a wide variety of conditions; the function of hematology reactants is simple: to provide an overall picture of a patient’s health status. 

These reactants provide useful information to physicians about the presence of infections, anemia and other conditions, hemoglobin is one of the most important hematology reactants; as it is found in red blood cells and transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body. 

Detection of results based on the use of hematology reagents

Low hemoglobin levels are often associated with anemia, which can be detected with laboratory testing; anemia can result from insufficient diet, a chronic condition, an infectious disease, or a blood disorder. 

A diagnosis based on hematology reactants can be helpful in determining the cause of anemia and selecting the appropriate course of treatment for the patient. White blood cells are one of the hematology reactants used to evaluate the immune system. 

Hematology reactants are important in detecting a variety of blood-related disorders

On the other hand; white blood cells help the body fight infections by producing antibodies, elevated white blood cell levels may be the result of an excessive immune system response to medical treatment or infection. 

Likewise; low levels of white blood cells may be a sign of the presence of an infection or a weakened immune system; platelets are hematology reactants that help the body control bleeding. 

Specialists will provide more reliable results by generating diagnoses based on hematology reagents

A diagnosis based on hematology reactants is essential to detect bleeding disorders such as thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis, both conditions have serious consequences for the patient if not treated in time. In short, these tests provide physicians with precious data to help them diagnose and treat these conditions; a diagnosis based on hematology reactants can do a lot for a patient’s health and help them receive the right treatment for their condition.

In KALSTEIN as a MANUFACTURING company the specialists will be able to acquire the necessary reagents for their investigations

In the link below they will be able to choose the reagent that best suits their needs HERE

In KALSTEIN as a MANUFACTURING company you will be able to obtain the best reagents and at the best price, just visit our web page HERE.