Health and sperm count

The main function of sperm count tests is to know the quality of semen for fertility. However, having a low sperm count could also be an indicator of other health problems such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and bone damage. They have made this known at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society of the United States.

The study that found the association between poor semen quality and some health problems was attended by 5,177 Italian men from infertile couples, who underwent tests such as spermogram, biochemical and reproductive hormone analyzes, and which half had a low sperm level.

Those who presented lower semen quality had 1.2 times more risk of accumulating fat in the waist and having a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) than those showing a normal or high number of sperm. In addition, they had a higher systolic blood pressure, a higher level of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and decreased HDL cholesterol levels.

Metabolic alterations were also discovered in the group with few male sex cells, among the problems are higher chances of heart disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, stroke and a higher predisposition to suffer metabolic syndrome.

But there are still more, those who had small amounts of sperm – below 39 million per ejaculation – had a 12 times greater risk of hypogonadism. These low levels of testosterone, according to the study, could be linked to worse bone health and be a precursor to osteoporosis, because in half of those deficient in sperm there was a diagnosis of this disease or a low mass of bones.

One of the authors of the research, clarifies that their study does not prove that having a low quality semen causes these health disorders, but that these levels could be an indicator of how men’s health is found.

How is the sperm count performed?

This counting is done through specific counting chambers such as Makler’s, or in white blood cell counting chamber. The report is made per cubic centimeter (milliliter) or the total of sperm, which is the product of multiplying the volume by the number of sperm per cubic centimeter. When the number of sperm is less than 20 million / cc or less than 40 million in total count is called oligozoospermia; When there is no sperm, it is called azoospermia. In these cases, the problem can be secretory, that is, there are no or few sperm for damage to the testicle caused by inflammations, infections, varicocele and other causes, or excretory, that is, sperm are produced but there is an obstruction of the Sperm transport pathway from the testes to the prostatic urethra.

The oligozoospermias or azoospermias can be of congenital or acquired origin. It is important to titrate in blood plasma the FSH value, which is related to the number of spermatogonia. When FSH is high, the damage of the spermatogenesis is important and its prognosis is reserved; when FSH is low it is possible to stimulate spermatogenesis and a favorable result is expected. If FSH is in normal values and there is azoospermia, it is necessary to suspect an obstructive process.

Knowing that one of the key elements in the realization of the sperm count are the microscopes, in Kalstein we put at your disposal, microscopes that will allow you to offer the best analysis since they have the best technology. That’s why we invite you to take a look at our microscopes available HERE