Different types of clean benches are used for several different reasons. In this case, we are introducing you to the vertical laminar flow clean bench. The first thing you must consider when purchasing a clean bench us the size and type of object you are going to be working with. This type of airflow are often chosen because vertical laminar flow resemble, on a small scale, the design of a cleanroom, in which fan/ filter units are typically positioned in the ceiling. This means that by directing the laminar flow downward, vertical laminar flow reinforces the effect of gravity and sweeps particles out of the enclosure, generally through a front access area.
One important aspect you have to keep in mind is the type of objects you are going to be working with in your laboratory. You should know that large objects can block the airflow from a horizontal flow bench, creating large turbulent areas on the downstream side of the object. These large turbulent areas often become contaminated as ambient contamination is drawn toward them. Is this moment when you have to start considering vertical flow, because air enters the work zone from the top and flows downward, surrounding the object within the work area. Air flows on the front, sides, and rear, bathing the object on all sides with clean HEPA filtered air. Vertical flow air then continues down through a perforated or rod-type table top, or turns and flows out the front of the bench if it’s a solid-top table.
Laminar Flow Clean Bench
Laminar Flow Clean Bench is the containment unit you need to have in your laboratory in order to handle particle contamination. There is a definition you must keep in mind and that is that Laminar airflow is the air moving at the same speed and in the same direction, with no or minimal crossover of air streams (or “lamina”). Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Bench units’ goal is to prevent the contamination of semiconductor wafers, biological samples or any particle sensitive materials.
These clean benches provide and guarantee the cleanest (and most germ-free) area that will always be the upstream area closest to the filter face. That means that work will always be performed in that clean zone, as far as possible from obstructions that create turbulence. Maybe you are wondering why it is necessary to have these laminar flow clean benches and the answer is very simple. Most contamination-sensitive environments such as dust-free hoods require laminar flow because it predictably sweeps particles in a uniform direction, from the cleanest area under the hood (the filter face) to the exit area, which is generally the sash opening or vents along the back or bottom of the hood.
Vertical laminar flow clean bench
We recommend you to choose a clean bench with a vertical laminar flow design if your laboratory’s floor space is at a premium. Maybe you are wondering why. Because this configuration stacks the fan/filter module on top of the hood, a vertical laminar flow hood can generally be installed on a standard lab bench. In addition, we present you with some of the advantages of having a vertical laminar flow clean bench:
- The hood is not as deep, which means it requires less floor space.
- It is suitable for compounding sterile products.
- Safety: The air does not blow directly to the operator, and sash provides a barrier in front of operator’s face.
- The filter on top provides an easy access.
- Less turbulent effect from air striking large objects or processing equipment.
- Less cross-contamination of items positioned on the work surface.
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