
Bacti-Cinerator features

The Bactylographe sterilizer is a gas-free, flameless laboratory instrument for use with microbiological inoculation needles and handles. It performs infrared heat sterilization without dangerous spattering of micro-organisms, to comply with antiseptic techniques widely fundamental in the field of microbiology.

It is also essential to guarantee data integrity and maintain the purity of studies, using handle sterilization, creating safety measures that reduce the potential for micro-organism transmission, which is particularly important when working with pathogens.

The aim of using Bacticiner is to create and maintain a sterile working environment for equipment and reagents, in order to minimize contamination of biological samples. To achieve this, sterilized and calibrated handles are required.

General features

Bacticiner is one of the most common ways of establishing a sterile working environment. Its infrared heat causes convection, generating an updraft that eliminates any pollutants in the air near the equipment, and creating a sterile field.

In addition, the structure of the team is as follows:

  • It features a ceramic funnel tube enclosed in a perforated stainless steel guard and stainless steel support.
  • It delivers a high temperature of 825°C ± 50°C.
  • Sterilize needles and handles in five to seven seconds.
  • Ideal for anaerobic and aerobic chambers.
  • The asbestos-free ceramic element guarantees maximum sterility without splashing on the work surface.
  • They can also be maintained in specialized workstations known as laminar flow bells, which use directed airflow and filters to maintain sterility.

Correct use of the Bacticinerator is essential for environmental microbiologists when field and laboratory sampling is carried out with isolated media, reagents and cultures. Furthermore, poor technique in the field can result in the transfer of microorganisms from critical environmental samples to the technician, as well as the contamination of microbes from one sample to another, and implies a loss of data integrity.

The time, labor and financial cost to a laboratory in an effort to “clean up” or replace contaminated, particularly rare cultures isolated from unique environments, could be very high and prohibitive, as some isolations may be irreplaceable.

Asas as tools for Bactylographers

For parameters of bacteria suspended in biological fluids, calibrated handles, both metal and plastic, have been essential tools in the clinical laboratory. Among the advantages of calibrated metal handles over disposable plastics are that they are more effective at seeding cultures, are easy to use and, what’s more, enable semi-quantitative counts of different bacteria to be carried out with greater certainty. The main drawback is their high cost, as the houses are imported and made from noble metals, making them difficult for many budget laboratories to buy.

Handles are designed to carry an exactly known volume of sample, and remain the most appropriate procedure for many microbiology laboratories. The accuracy and conformity of these instruments must be certified by the supplier, since in the event of an inappropriate sample change, the effect of a study could lead to erroneous definitions, generating an inappropriate diagnosis.

Kalstein Bacticiners

The Bacticiners offered by Kalstein are market-leading equipment, ideal for protecting chemicals while safeguarding the user and the working environment. The same, corresponding to the YR series, designed to meet all our customers’ requirements, such as: Dimensions (LxAnxAl) mm 153x100x280. 320 W. Adjustable angle range 55°, etc. For more information, we at Kalstein can supply you with laboratory equipment and invite you to consult our catalog HERE

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