Artificial Cell Is Now A Reality

Despite the scientific and medical progress achieved up to date, the development of a cell capable of replicating the information present in the DNA seemed to be just a fantasy. However, a group of researchers belonging to the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology and Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) during a planned experiment, got a genome to react to the subject tests, not only it replied proteins that was initially formed, but also reproduced itself at the same time, keeping the same information within its structure.

To obtain a cell capable of replicating the DNA information, it was necessary that the     cell expresses through specific proteins, to achieve a membrane able to separate the cell from the outside. In a sample in a   laboratory test tube, the microgenomas expressed all its information to reproduce itself rapidly and simultaneously.

How did they do it? They chose the Phi29 virus because of its reproductive ease and replication, placing it with an extract of DNA without any presence of expression, using in vitro system, and making it work to “replicate” the DNA. Margarita Salas (Spain) facilitated her specialized equipment and helped that the reaction could be translated instantly. A linear type genome was added once they were reproduced, codifying their own exact copies.

“It was found that, at the same time, the new minigenomas produced were fully functional, and in the presence of the appropriate components, they produced protein replication and were able to replicate again”, described the authors of the work.

“Also – She added – we carry out this type of cycle three times successively, purifying the mini-genomas and transferring them to new reactions which provided all the necessary components, except the replication proteins”. Said doctor Danelon during an interview.

This advance would help solve purely genetic problems that, through the restructuring of its information, can be modified. It also opens a debate about mutation that, since the election of people or animals with better conditions, can be duplicated from the small samples with their genetic information, to be captured by the new cell “in blank”. Visit our website HERE