
Advantages of the Analytical Balance for the Manufacture of Monkeypox Vaccines

The analytical balance in a precision instrument that allows the measurement of weights with a level of precision that can reach up to the tenth or hundredth of milligram. This instrument is present in any research laboratory where it is required to measure very small masses of substances, accurately and accurately, requirements that are required in the manufacture of drugs and vaccines, such as the monkeypox vaccine.

In the manufacture of the monkeypox vaccine, different components are used, such as stabilizers, preservatives and enhancers, in addition to the active substance that is attenuated smallpox virus, which ensure the efficiency of the vaccine, and throughout this process, having an analytical balance provides a number of advantages such as the following:

  • It measures with high accuracy the mass of additives in vaccines that are required in small quantities.
  • It provides a high accuracy in mass measurement, allowing at least the quantity of the reagent used in the manufacture of the vaccine to be controlled.
  • It supports the quality analyzes that from the chemical, physical and microbiological point of view it is necessary to apply to the vaccine as a product.

Why is high accuracy and precision required in vaccine manufacturing?

Any product used for medicinal purposes must undergo a rigorous control in its manufacturing process that guarantees its quality, both in its composition and in its efficacy. That’s why the monkeypox vaccine must meet these quality standards. In this sense, to guarantee the composition of the vaccine, it is not only necessary to use components of high purity, but also to measure it with the necessary precision and accuracy, and this is where the analytical balance plays a fundamental role, since it allows:

  • Obtain reliable data on the masses of additives, active ingredients, stabilizers and preservatives in the product.
  • Control the manufacturing process of the vaccine.

These aspects are related to the quality control of the product, since it not only allows to guarantee the composition of a product, but different batches of product have exactly the same composition, and it is at this point, where only an analytical balance provides the necessary sensitivity in the measure of mass, to perform the statistical quality control in the vaccine. This is absolutely necessary, as side effects from a poorly formulated vaccine may be undesirable.

Why is it advantageous to use an analytical balance in the manufacture of the monkey vaccine?

As described so far, the manufacture of a vaccine may involve various substances such as: preservatives such as thimerosal that prevent contamination of the vials; adjuvants such as aluminum salts that increase the effectiveness of the vaccine; stabilizers such as gelatin that prolong the effectiveness of the vaccine after manufacture; residual antibiotics, which prevent contamination by bacteria; and residues of material used in the culture of the virus such as egg protein. In this way, the analytical balance brings the following advantages:

  • Guarantees the percentage composition of the product (whether expressed in percentage by mass or in parts per million).
  • It allows the exact amount of attenuated virus responsible for generating the antibodies to be incorporated into the vaccinated person.
  • Enables the manufacturing process to be reproducible across batches.
  • It allows to evaluate the quality of the product obtained in terms of its composition.

Why buy a Kalstein analytical scale?

Kalstein meet the highest standards. The models YR053509 // YR053512, have a maximum weight capacity between 110 g to 610 g, with an accuracy of up to 0.001 g and a repeatability of ±0.002 g.

In addition, they have a dust cover and a display panel in different interchangeable units. These are ergonomic scales that can be easily accommodated in the laboratory space. For additional product purchase details and pricing, you can consult the HERE