What is the application of the diode laser in dentistry?

A diode laser is a type of laser consisting of a solid active medium, formed by a semiconductor that frequently uses a combination of gallium, arsenium and other elements such as aluminum or indium to transform electrical energy into light energy. The wavelength of these lasers for use in dentistry covers a range from 800nm to 980nm. They can emit in continuous mode or in pulses and, due to their wavelength, the energy is easily transportable through optical fiber.

The optical fibers can vary between 200, 300 and 600µm depending on the manufacturer. The fiber is contacted with soft tissues for ablation, incision and excision procedures. These optical fibers must be prepared before first use and several times intraoperatively to ensure laser efficiency. This process, called initiation, consists of depositing a fine dark pigment at the end of the fiber, producing the “hot tip” effect (state in which the tip or optical fiber of the laser is prepared for use after the application of the pigment Dark). The diode laser emits in the near infrared with a power between 0.5W and 15W.

How are diode lasers classified?

Depending on the power, diode lasers can be classified into two large groups: low power and high power.

  • • The low power ones are low energy and emit in the region of the near infrared spectrum or the red one (632.8, 670 and 830nm), with an average power of 1-100mW. Its basic applications in health sciences are based on its effects of tissue biostimulation and its anti-inflammatory analgesic action.
  • • The high power are those lasers with powers of 1W up to 15W or more and with a wavelength between 810nm and 980nm. They are relatively new lasers in their application in the field of Medicine and Dentistry.

What is its application in the field of dentistry?

The diode laser has numerous applications in the specialty of Oral Surgery, being preferably used to perform surgical interventions on soft tissues as long as they do not involve excessive bleeding. In Endodontics, Bucofacial Implantology and Periodontics is used for its important bactericidal effect. It is also used in teeth whitening procedures. It is important to properly control the application time and working power to prevent overheating of neighboring tissues, which would result in their necrosis. Whenever the diode laser is used, the recommended eye protection should be carried out for both the professional, his assistants and auxiliary personnel, as well as for the patient.

What should you keep in mind?

Currently the laser in dentistry allows many treatments:

  • • Reduce the sensitivity and discomfort of chancros, cold sores, canker sores
  • • Exhibition of partially erupted wisdom teeth
  • • Soft tissue management in crown and carving impressions
  • • Excessive soft tissue removal; hypertrophy, inflammation
  • • Biopsy procedures
  • • Treatment of periodontal disease
  • • Root canal infections
  • • Frenectomy and gingivectomy

What are the reasons for incorporating a laser in the dental office?

  • • It generates fast and less invasive treatments resulting in a greater rotation of patients, less expense in disposable material such as gauze, scalpels, avoids the need for sterilization and subsequent processing of all the usual surgical instruments.
  • • Simplification of procedures, complex cases now resolved with the greatest precision and easy learning curve.
  • • Multiple specialties, it allows to carry out diverse treatments without the need to refer patients, postpone appointments or instrumental devices.
  • • Loyalty, patients satisfied with conservative and short treatments together with faster and painless post-operative, without long healing or difficult hemostasis.
  • • Marketing and differentiation tool, the solution for those patients with fear of needles, blood and surgeries, in addition to the innovation in quality and modernization that any dental clinic needs in the face of the enormous market competition.
  • • Technology and adaptation, a bet for the future.

In Kalstein we offer you an excellent and innovative diode laser for dental use. That’s why we invite you to take a look HERE