
 Veterinary Analyzers of High Precision for Efficient Diagnostics 

Veterinary analyzers are high-precision equipment designed especially to facilitate quick, efficient, and accurate diagnoses in veterinary medicine. They are one of the most critical components of any veterinary clinic or hospital and play a vital role in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of diseases in animals.

Advanced Climatic Chambers: Precise Environmental Control for Scientific Research

Advanced climatic chambers are essential for environmental control in various scientific research fields. These tools allow for the simulation of specific conditions of temperature, humidity, and light, facilitating precise and repeatable studies. In this article, we will explore the features, advantages, and disadvantages of these chambers, focusing particularly on the products of Kalstein, Memmert, PHCbi, […]

The Healing Power of Light: Discover the Kalstein Infant Phototherapy Incubator

Light therapy, or phototherapy, is an effective treatment method that involves exposing patients to specific wavelengths of artificial light to treat certain health conditions. It is especially known for its usefulness in treating jaundice in newborns. With its long tradition of innovation and quality, Kalstein presents its Infant Phototherapy Incubator, designed to provide the best possible care for our most vulnerable children.

Kalstein’s Infant Radiant Heater: Technology at the Service of Infant Comfort

Being a child is a stage of life full of joy and wonder, but also of constant changes. For children to grow healthy and safe, it is essential that they feel comfortable in their environment, as offered by the Infant Radiant Heater manufactured by Kalstein. At KALSTEIN, we understand that you need equipment that gives […]

The Importance Veterinary Lamps Lighting

KALSTEIN brand veterinary lamps are an essential tool in the veterinary field. Whether for surgical procedures, diagnostics, or simply routine animal observation, the high-quality illumination these lamps provide is unmatched.