
Color Evaluation Boxes as a photographic tool

The color of a product is usually one of the first aspects that any customer notices, being in many cases the determining factor in making a purchase. For this reason, it’s essential to pay close attention to the colors of your products, whether they’re clothes, paintings or even photographs. Ensuring that the product is of high quality and free from metamerism is fundamental, metamerism being, the change of color in different lighting. An effective way to ensure this happens is by using color evaluation boxes.
Color evaluation boxes can be used in a variety of industries, from laboratories to photography to the automotive industry, to ensure that colors are of high quality. In the field of photography, they are particularly useful, as it is extremely important that there is no color change in the parts in relation to the different light sources to which the photographs are exposed. A color evaluation unit measures the variation in a product’s color when exposed to different lights.
It therefore needs to be equipped with an appropriate lamp system for visual analysis of plastics, fabrics, paints or photos. By checking colors under several light sources and obtaining that there is no variation, we can say that the product is of high quality.

Color evaluation boxes

A color evaluation box is a particularly useful tool for visual color evaluation under controlled light conditions, without interference from external light. This equipment ensures that product color evaluation and display is carried out consistently and efficiently, without interference from natural or artificial light in the enclosure. The operation of this equipment is based on the following elements:

  • The computer has a large display area.
  • It is equipped with several different light sources to detect metamerism.
  • The sample must pass through the different light sources to confirm that there is no difference.
  • The different light sources should include daylight, white light, tungsten filament, triphosphor fluorescent light and ultraviolet black light.
  • The whole process measures the color of the sample under evaluation.

Color evaluation boxes in photography

Color evaluation boxes are used in many industries to perform a visual assessment of a product’s colors. This equipment is ideal in all areas where it is necessary to maintain color quality and reliability. Color evaluation cabinets allow the user to view the sample under different light sources, for example, artificial light, filament and even ultraviolet light. One of the fields in which this equipment is used is photography.
The colors of photographic samples are a very important aspect that defines their quality and beauty, so that tonal changes due to the effect of light, i.e. the effect of metamerism, would detract from the beauty of the photographs. It is therefore important to evaluate the pieces in this equipment, as with it you can assess the color at different light sources and choose the most accepted and accurate option for display. In living rooms where photos are exhibited there are usually different light sources around and for the room to look different depending on the shade of light is not acceptable, so here lies the importance of color evaluation boxes.

Kalstein color evaluation boxes

At Kalstein, we have a wide range of color evaluation boxes, being these high-quality, high-tech pieces of equipment, since we are the MANUFACTURER of these, as well as of a large number of medical and laboratory equipment. Our YR model evaluation box offers the following advantages:
  • The TILO light box reproduces color with greater accuracy.
  • It has 6 different light sources (D65, TL84, CWF, TL83/U30, F, UV), which can detect metamerism.
  • Elapsed time for optimal lamp replacement.
  • Automatic alternation between light sources.

We can assure you that the PRICES of our evaluation boxes are the most competitive on the market and, when it comes to making your PURCHASE, you’ll be able to clear up any doubts with our team of experts. To consult our catalog of color evaluation boxes, please visit: HERE