
Fundamental reagents for Hematology studies

Hematology studies are fundamental because of their impact on health and medical advances; this branch of medicine deals with the study of blood, red blood cells (qualities and quantity), white blood cells and platelets that make up the blood. 

Reagents, also known as laboratory reagents, are an essential part of the hematological research process; these chemicals provide the necessary data on a blood sample, reagents are a mixture of chemicals designed to perform a series of reactions with a blood sample. 

Regular reactions can detect diseases, determine the level of certain blood qualities in order to perform more accurate blood tests

Likewise; they are used to analyze the blood, see if there is an abnormal presence of red blood cells, those that are foreign and other parameters needed in hematology. Some fundamental reagents used for the study of Hematology are as follows: Stains: These are special dye solutions that help identify blood cells and determine types. 

Also; they are used to differentiate red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets and to check for abnormalities in cell counts; Cell Counters: Cell counters measure the number of white cells, platelets and red blood cells. 

Other types and use of reagents used in laboratories for research

These devices automatically count the number of cells in a sample and are used to measure hemoglobin levels and vitamin nutrients; Hematocrit: that is a laboratory device that is used to measure the levels of red blood cells in a blood sample and calculate the concentration of red blood cells. 

Acidification: this test is used to check the quality of red blood cells in a blood sample, this test determines if the cells are acidified, alkalinized or if there is a presence of abnormal hemoglobin. 

Testing blood can help physicians identify anemia, quantify hemoglobin and red blood cell levels, perform cancer screenings and check white blood cell counts

On the other hand; we have Automated systems: these systems help hematological tests by automatically analyzing the results and providing accurate clinical information; these systems also help hematologists reduce the time needed to perform a complete blood test. 

Many of these reagents are used in blood analysis and general testing; these measurements are used to detect diseases and disorders, treating various conditions. 

These chemicals help physicians determine the health status of patients more accurately and provide appropriate treatment

In addition to the fundamental reagents mentioned above, there are still other chemicals that are commonly used in blood tests, these may include anticoagulants, antimicrobials, antihistamines and sterilizing products. 

In conclusion; these reagents help physicians to better assess the health status of patients and provide the highest quality care; laboratory reagents are an essential part of hematology testing. 

In KALSTEIN as a MANUFACTURING company, specialists will be able to get the reagents for their tests of good quality and at the best price

In the link below you can choose the reagent you need for your research HERE

In Kalstein as a manufacturer company you can get the best reagents, just visit our website HERE to enjoy great deals and unbeatable prices, because we are MANUFACTURERS and we can guarantee your effective purchase.