
The steam autoclave

Steam sterilization is the preferred method of sterilization and works by denaturing proteins. Steam autoclave is an equipment designed to use high pressure and temperature steam to kill microorganisms. Sterilization involves the complete destruction of all microorganisms, including resistant bacteria, bacterial spores, protozoa, prions, viruses and fungi present in liquids, surfaces of materials, drugs or culture media.

What is narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy was originally described towards the end of the 19th century and since then it has been possible to characterize more, having established its foundations, with a certain understanding of its biology. It is important to emphasize that currently, the treatments are better and wider, facilitating their management and thus improving the quality of life of patients.

New species are coming into existence faster than ever thanks to

The planet has seen five ‘mass extinctions’ over the past half billion years, but each was followed by an explosion in biodiversity Animals and plants are seemingly disappearing faster than at any time since the dinosaurs died out, 66 million years ago. The death knell tolls for life on Earth. Rhinos will soon be gone unless we defend them, Mexico’s final few Vaquita porpoises are drowning in fishing nets, and in America, Franklin trees survive only in parks and gardens.