
Microtome: avantages et inconvénients

Microtomas are sharp instruments for preparing preparations used in microscopy. To meet the high demands of such preparations, microtomas allow extremely fine cups. Modern microtomas allow cuts with a thickness of 0.1 to 100 μm. As a comparative basis: Human hair has a thickness of between 50 and 70 μm.

What is a cryostat?

The cryostat is a piece of equipment used in the processing of samples for histological or histopathological diagnosis or identification. It is mainly used to freeze and obtain frozen tissue sections or samples that have not been previously fixed by chemical methods, to avoid losing some important characteristics necessary for observation.

What is a microtome for?

Microtomy is the discipline that deals with obtaining fine serial sections from tissues included in paraffin blocks for their subsequent study under optical and / or electronic microscopy, which makes it one of the basic pillars of procedural techniques of Pathological anatomy.

What is a microtome?

The microtomes are cutting instruments for the preparation of preparations that are used in microscopy. To meet the high demands of such preparations, the microtomes allow extremely thin cuts. Normally modern microtomes allow cuts of a thickness of 0.1 to 100 µm. By way of comparison: Human hair has a thickness between 50 and 70 µm.

Micrótomo: ventajas e inconvenientes

Los micrótomos son instrumentos de corte para la elaboración de preparados que se usan en la microscopía. Para cumplir con las altas exigencias de tales preparados, los micrótomos permiten realizar cortes extremadamente finos.Normalmente los micrótomos modernos permiten cortes de un espesor de 0,1 hasta 100 µm. A modo comparativo: El cabello humano tiene un espesor entre 50 y 70 µm. La historia de los micrótomos empezó con el inicio de los microscopios de luz.

What is a microtome and why do you need it?

The first microtome suitable for sectioning animal tissues was constructed in 1848, with the popular Cambridge Rocker (1885), Minot (1886), and sled microtomes (1910) manufactured later. Kerosene wax for infiltration and support during cutting was introduced during the mid-1800s. Different laboratory chemicals were investigated for use as fixatives. Formalin, used today, was first used in 1893.

You must have a microtome

Between microtome’s applications, you can find the traditional Histology Technique where tissues are hardened by replacing water with paraffin. Moreover, you can find them in frozen section procedure where water-rich tissues are hardened by freezing and cut in the frozen state with a freezing microtome or microtome-cryostat. In addition, there is the Electron Microscopy Technique. Moreover, there is theBotanical Microtomy Technique where hard materials like wood, bone and leather require a sledge microtome. In addition, there is spectroscopy and Fluorescence microscopy.