Importance of cleaning electronics with ultrasonic system

The electronics sector represents one of the areas with the greatest technological advancement. Almost all of the equipment that supports work in laboratories, hospitals, factories, industries, institutions, and even, at home, uses electronic components and controls. This equipment has something in common, its continuous and repeated use, so if it does not have proper maintenance, the useful life of the equipment can be compromised.

For example, computer motherboards, specialized laboratory equipment for precision measurements, and medical equipment may be damaged. Like phone boards, cameras, resistors, transistors, coils, capacitors, diodes and fuses.

Most of the damage is linked to the dirt lodged in some places of the electronic components. However, cleaning this type of components is not an easy task, due to the delicacy of its parts.

Ultrasonic cleaning equipment is now available and has shown a greater cleaning capacity than traditional methods. This allows for a thorough and efficient cleaning of the electronic components, which is often what is needed to get the equipment back up and running.

What is ultrasonic cleaning?

It is done with ultrasonic cleaning equipment. These devices use high-frequency sound waves and special solutions, which enable cleaning of electronic components. The waves promote an effect known as cavitation, which is manifested by a large number of bubbles in the cleaning medium.

The cavitation produced by the high frequency waves emitted in the cleaning solution, release enough energy to release the debris attached to the electronic circuit boards.

Steps to perform cleaning of electronic components with ultrasound equipment

  • Perform a thorough check of the component or circuit board to be cleaned, to check for any bad welds that may come off during ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Check for excess residues on the electronic component, e.g. grease combined with ambient dust. If present, clean manually with a detergent.
  • After removing excess dust and grease, remove items such as microphones and small speakers from the component or electronic board. Because ultrasonic vibration can cause these devices to malfunction. For cameras, remove the lenses.
  • After removal of the ultrasonic sensitive elements, the component or plate is placed in the ultrasonic equipment. The liquid in the cleaning solution should cover the whole object. In the case of a plate, it is important to place it vertically as this ensures that the waste falls on the bottom of the tub.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended in stages (3 or 4). Starting with low powers and a set time. As the cleaning stages pass, the power is increased and the washing time is reduced.
  • The frequency of ultrasound should correspond to the cleaning stage.
  • At the end of the last stage of the ultrasonic bath, the component or the electronic plate is dried. This can be done in an oven designed for this purpose or with a hair dryer. Special care should be taken not to affect heat sensitive elements.

Kalstein Ultrasonic Cleaners

The YR series offers a wide variety of ultrasonic cleaners, suitable for cleaning electronic components. You’ll also find easy-to-carry models. You can choose the one that best suits your needs. These products are automated and have digital display and control.

They have different adjustable operating times, which allow to meet the customer’s cleaning requirements, for different items. In addition, they offer better cleaning performance and minimal noise level, high energy conversion efficiency and long service life. For more information on Kalstein ultrasonic cleaners, visit the HERE