Do you know what pulse oximetry is?

Pulse oximetry is a way of measuring how much oxygen your blood contains. Thanks to a small device called a pulse oximeter it is possible to measure the oxygen levels in your blood without having to prick it with a needle. The level of blood oxygen calculated with an oximeter is called the «oxygen saturation level» (abbreviated as SatO2). This percentage indicates how much oxygen your blood carries in relation to the maximum it would be able to transport. Under normal circumstances, more than 89% of your red blood cells should contain oxygen.

Food safety, a high priority

We can define food safety as the set of conditions and measures necessary during the production, storage, distribution, and preparation of food to ensure its consumption. Thus, food safety encompasses all links in the food chain, from animal feed and production to sale to the consumer.

Importance of water quality in the laboratory

One of the most common reagents and considered as a universal solvent is water, therefore, it is vitally important to take care of its purity. If systematic control of the purity or quality of the water for laboratory use is maintained, the elimination of bias in the results is promoted, interference or collateral reactions are avoided and thus the reliability in said results is increased.

Hyponatremia in primary care

Hyponatremia is the most frequently observed electrolyte abnormality; its mild form is associated with cognitive deficit and falls, but in hospitalized patients it is associated with increased mortality.

Choose the best sphygmomanometer

The sphygmomanometer is also known as a tensiometer, is a tension meter and is used to indirectly measure blood pressure. It regularly provides measurements in millimeters of mercury and the origin of the word comes from the Greek sphygmós which means pulse and mannos which means rare.

Acute adrenal insufficiency

It is a life-threatening episode that continues to occur despite preventive interventions. New solutions are needed for this problem. The survival of patients with acute adrenal insufficiency, also called the Addisonian crisis, was prolonged as of the year 1950 by means of glucocorticoid replacement therapy. However, many patients still suffer episodes of acute adrenal insufficiency, which are life-threatening emergencies. These events seem to be on the rise despite preventive strategies.

What is the ECG – electrocardiogram?

The ECG is a diagnostic test that records the electrical activity of the heart. The electrical impulse or wave is what causes the heart to contract and pump blood to the body. The way in which this activity is measured is through electrodes or sensors that can be placed in the chest, arm or legs.

Medical ultrasound

Ultrasound (US) is a medical diagnostic technique based on the action of ultrasound waves. The images are obtained by processing the ultrasonic beams (echoes) reflected by the body structures.

Diabetes and dyslipidemia

Diabetes is considered a disease related to carbohydrates, but in recent years the lipid changes associated with this condition have been described, which generate greater atherosclerosis and could overcome, in damage, the cellular effects of glucose.

The anesthesia machine

Becoming familiar with the anesthesia apparatus for the anesthesiologist is one of its basic tasks, for which it requires not only knowing its operation, but the basic characteristics of its components being in accordance with safety standards, being the main work area of the anesthesiologist and at the same time allows you to choose and combine measured gases, vaporize exact amounts of anesthetic gases and therefore administer controlled concentrations of anesthetic mixture through the airways.