
Sterilization of sesame crops with the gas autoclave

The sesame tree is a plant belonging to the spinach family and is widely cultivated in Latin America. It is characterized by oilseeds of a brown or black color, which are used in the production of oils, pastes and flours. It is also rich in protein, fiber and vitamins, making it a very healthy food.

Vulcanization of automotive parts with the use of the Gas Autoclave

Gas autoclave vulcanization is a manufacturing process widely used in the automotive industry, especially for the manufacture of rubber and rubber parts. The process is done by applying heat and pressure in an autoclave chamber, which allows vulcanizing the material more effectively. The equipment is characterized by its ability to reach high temperatures and pressures, making it ideal for improving parts. In addition, it is a relatively fast process, which allows to increase the efficiency and quality of vulcanized parts.

Applications of Autoclaves N, S and B

An autoclave is a piece of equipment that uses a combination of high pressure and steam in order to transfer heat to the items placed inside it. This device is made up of a thick-walled metal container and hermetic closure, which allows high pressure sterilization. , ensuring maximum disinfection of all clinical materials.

Horizontal autoclaves vs. vertical

Laboratory sterilization has its own requirements. The choice of the right autoclave depends on different factors: the diversity of the load, the frequency of use, available services and the volumes of the loads.

The steam autoclave

Steam sterilization is the preferred method of sterilization and works by denaturing proteins. Steam autoclave is an equipment designed to use high pressure and temperature steam to kill microorganisms. Sterilization involves the complete destruction of all microorganisms, including resistant bacteria, bacterial spores, protozoa, prions, viruses and fungi present in liquids, surfaces of materials, drugs or culture media.

Double door autoclave: Application

Double door autoclaves are a special type of autoclave used in clean rooms and containment suites. In the case of a clean room application, the autoclave is used for the sterilization of equipment entering a clean or aseptic area, such as a pharmaceutical production environment.

El Autoclave, efectividad y bajo costo

Un autoclave es un recipiente metálico de paredes gruesas con cierre hermético que permite trabajar con vapor de agua a alta presión y alta temperatura, que sirve para esterilizar material médico o de laboratorio. El autoclave inactiva todos los virus y bacterias, aunque se ha llegado a saber que algunos microorganismos pueden soportar las temperaturas del autoclave.

The Sterilization Process with Autoclaves

The sterilization process is a critical aspect of any kind of laboratory. You need to have the right sterilizing instruments in order to have reliable and good results. Autoclaves machines are instruments that represent a good fit for laboratory and industrial applications too.